The Ramayana, an ancient Indian epic is at the source of this creation. The project here, narrates the stories of the Ramayana, which bring together fifty illustrated images, carefully studied and created in order to best depict each powerful moment.
Working closely alongside the Indian classical style, referring to painters such as Kangra or Tanjore, and merging it with XIII to XIV century Italian paintings, using as reference Giotto or Cimabue; I intended to respect the source of the Ramayana imagery, while underlining my classical Italian training and lighting our contemporary world.
I searched for that feeling of dizziness experienced in the instant of intuition; sometimes accompanied by a certain odor, a specific temperature or even a particular sensation.
The illustrations are created using many different mediums. I experiment here with various techniques such as “marmorized” paper, a traditional Florentine technique, while joining other pieces such as oil paints, acrylics, or inks. The different layers are then combined digitally, bringing together various techniques to one masterpiece.
I consider this work a reverence to a culture geographically so far, yet so intimately close.